Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Enigma of Nerds

The Enigma of Nerds

In the kaleidoscope of human existence, there exists a breed that dances on the fringe of societal norms, cloaked in an enigmatic aura that beckons exploration. Behold the nerds, adorned in their unique tapestry of appearances, an eclectic ensemble that challenges the mundane with a splash of eccentricity.

At first glance, one may perceive them through the lens of stereotypical visions – disheveled hair, perhaps an ill-fitting shirt adorned with the insignias of their passions. Spectacles, perched upon the bridge of their noses, not merely as optical aids but as emblems of intellectual prowess. Yet, do not be fooled by the veneer, for behind those lenses lies a universe of unfathomable depth and brilliance.

Mental acuity becomes their hallmark, a celestial symphony of synapses firing in harmonious precision. Concentration, a skill honed to an art form, as they delve into the realms of codes, equations, and theories that elude the ordinary mind. The outside world may fade into insignificance as they unravel the intricacies of the cosmos or unravel the secrets of technology.

How do others perceive these titans of intellect? Are they misfits or maestros? The answer, perhaps, lies in the eye of the beholder. Society, in its curious dance, often wrestles with the unfamiliar. Nerds, however, embrace their divergence, for in their divergence lies the alchemy of innovation and discovery.

Intelligence, a celestial currency minted in the chambers of their minds, propels them into realms of achievement that transcend the ordinary. Enter the pantheon of nerds, where luminaries like Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Steve Jobs, Marilyn vos Savant and Steve Wozniak wielded the magic of silicon to shape the digital landscapes we traverse today. Albert Einstein, with his shock of unruly hair, unraveled the mysteries of relativity, reshaping the very fabric of our understanding.

And then, there are the unsung heroes, the Faried Manans of the world, whose genius may not adorn glossy magazine covers but leaves an indelible mark in realms unseen. Success, for a nerd, often transcends the conventional metrics of business. It is etched in lines of code, in the algorithms that power our digital existence, and in the symphonies of logic that reverberate through the corridors of innovation.

Nerds, with their peculiar allure, challenge societal norms, dismantling the barriers that confine thought. Their appearance, a mere façade, belies the luminosity within. Glasses perch not only on the bridge of their noses but serve as portals to vistas unknown. Mental abilities soar to heights unfathomed, concentration becomes an art, and perceptions transform in the face of their brilliance.

So, let us celebrate the nerds, those custodians of esoteric knowledge, the architects of our technological dawn. In their divergence, in their uniqueness, lies the tapestry of progress, woven with the threads of curiosity and intellect. For it is through the lens of the nerd that we glimpse the boundless possibilities that await the curious minds ready to explore the cosmos of ideas.

Sunday, June 28, 2009



Having had a website and a domain name at the inception of the Internet was really cool. That's when static HTML web pages was state of the art. But then, the boom started, suddenly there were dynamic websites all over the net, with animated graphics and java applets.

Search engines then, were mundane, Jeeves, Lycos, Altavista and Hotbot was making a name for themselves and Yahoo Inc. was king of the hill. Meanwhile thousands of people were earning millions of dollars with dot-coms and e-trade. Then came the crash. Hardly a year later e-commerce sites prang-up all over the net and Google Inc. was the new kid on the block... Google has grown from strength to strength and as a 10 year old, provides untold amounts of online applications from Web hosting, to Web and Image search to Google Maps and Satellite Imagery to mention only but a few of its substantial array of offerings

However the 14 year old Yahoo has been out-stripped, out-competed, out-played, out-done, even tough, it provides similar services and a substantial amount of them at that, but certainly not as many as its chief competitor Google, who is not only hailed as king of the search engines but also god of the Internet. Despite its dominance now, there will be other search engines wanting to be king of the hill. FOR FREE TICKETS to the EXPO!

In the flanks, Live Search/MSN was doings its thing and made a play to grab Yahoo, but Bill G just got an earful from Jerry Y instead. Websites have improved, PHP, ASP and JSP is abound, with some sites are flaunting amazing Flash and Ajax technologies. Online shopping is outdoing conventional shopping, bandwidth is getting cheaper and the Internet is growing daily.

Meanwhile search engines has taken on specific rolls like, Jobs search, Property search, News search, People search etc... and the race for the best search engined continues. Jeeves had swallowed Hotbot and changed its name to, Lycos became Lycos Inc., Altavista became the property of Yahoo and InfoSpace the owners of Exite and the WebCrawler Metasearch engine bought Dogpile, another metasearch engine.

But that's just the beginning. Enter the latest and newest in search engines, OneRiot, Hakia, Kosmix, Searchme, Twine, Cuil, Topsy, TweetMeme, and not forgetting Bing. Bing is Microsoft's New Search Engine (old Live Search/MSN) and its not bad at all, it has a very clean interface, really visually appealing and presentation is excellent. I think its destined to give Google a run for its money. Searchme is a multimedia search engine and appears to be much faster than Google whereas Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge engine, which can do stuff that Google can't. I predict there will soon be much controversy and speculation as to which the best is among the search engines. At the moment Searchme is my personal favorite.
However, the latest nerdytoys are metesearch engines, it has become the latest craze, because they deliver the most comprehensive and relevant results in one place. Dogpile is currently producing better results than Google. The cool thing about metasearch engines is, they search the leading search engines like Google, Yahoo and Ask simultaneously and deliver the best combined results for any search. So, is googling going to give way to engining? What say you?

Here are some Metasearch engines to try out!